Saturday, November 18, 2006 account papers are last and can concerntrate on my other sub yeah.hand was shaking during my 1st account paper 2 after i answered 1st question.mayb i too nervous or mayb my hand got no more energy hold the pen haha.can see the difference from 1st answer and 2nd answer haha.from tidy to comot.haha.can do lah but dunno wats the result will be.hmm dont care la.thank you my teacher:sarah,huimin and michelle.well finally la i can more relax not that takut other papers.wish everyone do thier best in SPM.dont care wheter u did good or bad.just need to know that you have tried ur best.ahhh my study room.yeah is in my room la.additional table in my room n very messy.when i was doing my account revision.haha.1st time wei.keep praying for everyone of you ya. =)

saw the mess of my table?

full of books.never happen in my life before haha..
missed the photo of my account revision is really difference from this environment u see just now.haha.okay back to my study bbye..

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